Friday, July 18, 2008


It seems a little weird to be going to school in July. We're still not used to this year round schedule. The kids were definitely not ready to start either. Payton is in kindergarten now! He is such a big boy. The first day I went with him for a couple of minutes. Then the teacher told all of us it was time to leave. I got teary eyed knowing that Payton is growing up. I'm going to miss those special days hanging out with Payton James! No more Costco trips and pizza. No more grocery store excursions with fruit snacks. Payton is loving kindergarten. He's already made lots of friends. They've been learning a lot of cute rhymes. He comes home singing them to me.


Our last week before school started, we took a trip to Las Vegas. Most of our time was spent at Lake Mead. We hadn't used the seadoos at all this year. The kids had fun playing in the knee-deep mud on the shores. They would walk out of the water, across the mud swamp, and back in the water. They played that game forever. Brandon's white bathing suit ended up turning a nice gray. The little seadoo became more popular because it jumps the wakes better. We caught some air! Payton was a little daredevil saying mom went too slow! I'm just trying to protect my baby!