Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mother's Day Cards

Mother's Day is always an interesting holiday with three little boys. I never know what's going to happen. I hear myself repeating what my mom used to say, "all I want for Mother's Day is for everyone to stop fighting." Well, sometimes it works. My favorite part is all the homemade gifts they make and the cards.
Payton made me a personalized frame with words describing me. They are love, fun, fune, swet, osum, cid (kind), good, saf. Yes, I am an osum mom!

Austin also made me a card for mother's day. I found it crinkled up inside his backpack four days after mother's day. It said Roses are red, violets are blue, I like money and so do you! Hmmmmm.... I guess I do like money. I was hoping for something more sentimental?

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