Sunday, November 9, 2008

SLUMBER Party???

Now what part of the title "Slumber Party" means sleeping??? No, we did not get much sleep at Brandon's Slumber Party. This is a special birthday for Brandon and so we gave him a big party. Of course his original choice was Air Kids Party Zone. Too much money, sorry Brandon. He invited nine of his friends to come over. Including our boys, that totaled 12 squirrely boys! What were we thinking? They had so much fun. Luckily, the weather was warm. So we were able to swim instead of just go in the jacuzzi. Could a jacuzzi fit 12 people? We played some games, played pool, bowling, and of course dart wars. We managed to get them to bed at 10:30 p.m. However, right when the sun started coming up, they were all up. Six in the morning??? Where do they get all their energy?

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