Sunday, January 3, 2010


We got a tetherball set for christmas. Payton wants to play it every single day. We're all getting injured from playing. Brandon has bruises all up and down his arm and Payton jammed his thumb. This is a rough sport. Everytime I hit the ball, I feel stinging. Yes, I'm wimpy. I guess we could have upgraded to a nicer, cushy ball.
Originally, we put the pole in a cement bucket. After playing a couple games, we realized it wasn't very sturdy. So dad broke the cement and we re-cemented it into the ground. It's not going anywhere now. It will definitely boost our property value! Who wouldn't want a big steel pole in their front yard?

1 comment:

Tyler Jorgenson said...

I'd put some reflective tape on the bottom half of that before your home teachers don't see it and play a game of tether ball with their bumper. :)